Adam Levine

Family: Adam Levine was born on March 18, 1979, in Los Angles, South California. His parents our Pasty Noah and Fred Levine they got divorced when Adam was 7, He has 4 siblings their names are Liza Levine, Sam Levine, Michael Levine, and Julie Milne Levine. He has 3 kids their names are Dusty Rose Levine, Gio Grace Levine, and another one on its way. Adam Levine also has a wife her name is Behati Prinsloo she is the mother of his kids.

How he started his career: His Career started when he co-found the band Kara`s flower, he was the lead vocalist and guitarist of the band. The band split up after they released their only album.

Awards: 3 Grammy Awards, 2 American Music Awards, an MTV Music Video Award, and a People Choice Award.

Gener: Pop rock

Some movies Adam has been in is: The chess Game and Begin Again.

Band: Adam Levin has a band named Maroon 5 he tis the song writer and the singer of the group.

Songs: Adam Leven has lots of songs that he wrote, and some songs he wrote is Lost stars, Stereo Heart, Gotten, Jager, and Sugar.

A show he was on was: ”I Can See Your Voice” He was on that show for 8 years which was about 16 seasons, but he walked away from the voice because of his family. After leaving the Voice he focused on his wife and his kids.

Thats the end of my blog, thank you for reading.

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