My little Christmas tree

When does your family put up the Christmas tree? Well, this year my parents put up the Christmas tree in early November. I think it’s the smallest tree I ever seen; the decorations are mostly covering the whole tree and on the very top is a blue clipped star.

I think it’s cute, Its covered with grey and blue glitter because of the glittery decorations. It stands in a corner of my living room, and when you walk in you can’t really see it until you look around then you’ll see a tiny tree standing in the corner. My Christmas tree is on a table because if it wasn’t you wouldn’t see it because it would be behind a big coach. The table that my Christmas tree is on is also very beautiful, it has a big cloth which is white and red it kind of reminds me of Santa Clouse. It also glows when you plug it in it changes colours, and beside it there is also Christmas lights which you can see outside of my living room window.

I love my cute Christmas tree it has everything that a Christmas tree should have, It has beautiful decorations and it has a star on top. It has lights (not all Christmas trees have lights that’s ok if yours don’t). My tree is very unique, but one thing that I would change is that we should get a real tree and not a fake one but that’s ok.

Thats the end of my blog, thank you for reading.

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