Cotton candy clouds

                                         By: Reiane 

         Is it just me but when I look up at the sky, I sometimes see puffy looking clouds which remind me of Cotton candy. Do you also think they look like cotton candy? I mean to me they do, what do you see when you look at clouds? 

         If you don`t know what cotton candy is it’s a puffy light candy, which is very light like a cotton ball and when you eat it melts in your mouth. It also looks like a cloud that is why I think clouds look like cotton candy, if you still don`t understand me please look at the picture below. I also think that clouds somehow taste like cotton candy, but its not true! Clouds Do Not Taste like cotton candy, they would taste like water because the cloud would do a process called “Evaporation” where the clouds the water would turn in a vapor, and tiny water drops start to float to the air. The tiny drops would wait until the cloud is full of dust, pollen, and tiny other drops of water and it would rain. This also happens in winter, but it gets so cold that the water turns into a snowflake, and that is why you don`t eat snow because it has pollen and water which is not clean. 

         Anyway, that is why I think clouds look like cotton candy, and just remember clouds do not taste like cotton candy they taste like water. That is the end of my blog bye~ 

 Picture of cloud and cotton candy together: 

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